Go to
> Payment Request > Campaign Payment Request
Step 1: Select Campaign Payment Request.
Step 2: Complete the payment request setup:
Tab: 1. Delivery Options
Select the social media platform you wish to post your campaign(s) to.
Tab: 2. Request Details
Reference Number - Create a reference number to track payments in Transactions.
Category - Select Sell a Product or Sell a Service.
Listing Expiration Date - Set the date that your payment link becomes invalid. If the expiration date is not set, the payment link will not expire.
Caption - Used for LinkedIn only to add an image.
Campaign Heading - The heading for the campaign as it appears on Facebook and/or LinkedIn.
Images - Include an image in your campaign. Learn how to upload an image.
Image Gallery - Add additional images if required.
Product - Specify the name of the product / service.
Fixed Amount - Selecting ‘Yes’ allows you to specify the amount you would like to accept from customers. Selecting ‘No’ will allow your customers to specify their own amount.
Price - When a fixed amount is set, this will set the price of your item / service. Decide the currency you wish to display.
Quantity - The quantity of the product or service required.
Stock keeping unit - The product SKU number. Use when selling a defined number of products or services. Once the last product is sold the link expires.
Description - Displays on your payment page under the Product/Service Name.
Additional Fields
When you click ADD for Additional Info field you will note an ADD button with three choices:
Item Info - Gives your customer a description what you are selling e.g. 'Product Name' 'Nike'.
Text Box - Gives your customer an instruction e.g. 'Terms and Conditions' followed by 'I accept' or 'Please enter special delivery instructions' followed by 'Please enter here'. You can also make this a requirement on the payment page meaning payment cannot be made until instructions are entered.
Dropdown – Allows you to enter yet more detail e.g. 'Specify Delivery Times' followed by 'AM, PM'. Remember to use a comma between am, pm.
NB: The order of these field be changed.
Tab: 3. Additional Settings
Send MMS Receipt: - Selecting yes means your customer will receive a payment receipt through MMS or SMS. You will be charged MMS and SMS fee where applicable. Select receipt file type.
Customer Information: - Selecting yes means your customer will be required to give information about themselves on the Payment Landing Page.
Share Button - Selecting 'Yes' means your customer can share the payment page across their social media pages.
Shipping information - Selecting 'Yes' will require the following information from your customer: phone number, name, country, street address, and zip code that you previously created.
Attach receipt on email - (If email was selected for the payment request) Selecting 'Yes' will attach the receipt to the email.
Repeat Payment - Selecting 'Yes' will attach allow your customer set up a recurring payment directly from the payment page for the selected period.
Allow customer to set quantity - Selecting 'Yes' allows your customer to decide the quantity they wish to purchase.
Payment Buttons - EFT, card etc. When selecting 'Yes' you decide how your customer wishes to pay you.
Select Tax Profile - Add preloaded VAT (Sales Tax) if applicable
Tab: 4. Confirmation
Review the details of your payment request. When ready, click ‘Submit’.
See also 'Create a Web Link' - Quicker and easier to create, but without the functionality of this page.