Go to icn user > Account Settings > 

Account Details - allows you to enter your business contact information. This information will show as your merchant contact details on your receipts and invoices. Make sure you save these details once entered.

Each user has the ability to update their own personal contact information. Only users with admin privileges have access to edit business information. When updating business information, a hold of up to 24 hours may be placed on your account while your changes are reviewed. When updating banking account details please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. directly.

Display Business Logo - Add/Update your business logo so it appears on all your payment pages, online checkouts and receipts.

Step 1: Scroll to Logo Setting.
Step 2: Click ‘Choose File’ to upload your logo. Make sure your image is in jpg, jpeg, png, or gif. Maximum file upload size: 2 MB. Minimum dimensions 300px x 100px Maximum dimension 2048px x 2048px.
Step 3: Save 'logo as both' in drop down menu to save on all your invoices, links and receipts.

Account Notifications - allows you select events for which you would like to trigger automatic notifications. Notifications can be sent to the account owner’s browser, phone and email address.

Customise Email Settings - emailed payment links are sent from a default address i.e. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
However, you have the option to link your own email server so that payment requests come from your business email address. To do this:

  1. Toggle ‘Use Mobipaid email configuration’ to ‘No’
  2. Fill in the fields using the settings provided by your email service. ‘SMTP User’ is the email address you wish payment requests to originate from, and ‘display name’ is the ‘From’ name that will display on your emails. Standard SMTP settings are shown below for common email service providers. When complete, test your setup using the ‘Email Test’ function at the bottom of the page.
    For Gmail

    SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
    SMTP Port: If TLS encryption, 587; If SSL encryption, 465
    SMTP Encryption: TLS or SSL

    For Outlook

    SMTP Host: smtp-mail.outlook.com
    SMTP Port: Port 587
    SMTP Encryption: TLS

Connect Social Media - allows you connect your social media accounts to create social media campaigns, auction items or sell products and services directly from a post or direct message to customers. Select 'Connect Social Media' and ‘connect’ the social media channel/s you wish to link to your Mobipaid account. Don’t worry about connecting specific pages. You will have the opportunity to do this when creating your social media campaign. more info »

Change Password - Change current password to a new password and confirm. Note:  Password between 8 and 20 characters; must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeric digit, and one special character, but cannot contain whitespace. 

Timezone Settings - Add your default time zone, e.g. UTC+1:00

Language Settings - Select your language if not the default English.

Session Timeout - Default is 15 minutes and can be changed.

Security SettingsTo protect your account, Mobipaid supports two-step authentication. Enter your mobile number and we will send you a One Time Pin to access your account.