Go to icn user > Customers > My Customers

Every payment is recorded in your ‘Payments History’ and generates a new 'customer'. From here you can view customers, add and edit customers’ phone numbers and details, access your customer groups, and import or export your entire customer base. Having customer data enables you to use tags in your message so that your customer’s name is automatically populated when requesting payment.

Adding Customers - You can add customers one-by-one by following the steps below:

Step 1: Click the ‘+ Add’ button.
Step 2: Fill in customer info and click ‘Save.’ Additional fields can be added by clicking ‘Add Field’ and filling in the corresponding field.

Create a Customer Group - Customer groups allow you to batch customers together in order to make sending payment requests to multiple customers easy. You can utilize Customer Groups while sending Bulk Payment requests.
Note: Each customer can only belong to one group at a time.

Step 1: Click the ‘Groups’ button, and then ‘+ Add.’
Step 2: Enter the name of your customer group and a description then click ‘Save.’
Step 3: There are three ways to add customers to your group:
- From your group list, click the group name to edit, click the ‘+ Add’ button and add your customer manually.
- From your customer list, choose the group from the dropdown in the Group column.
- Import a list of customers assigned to one or multiple groups.

Import Customers - Your customer data can be imported in bulk in either .xls or .csv format.

Step 1: Download the ‘My Customers’ import template: Select ‘Download CSV Template’ or ‘Download XLS Template’. Or, click here for the CSV template and click here for the XLS template.
Step 2: Fill in the import template fields. Make sure to match the format as shown in the image. Incorrectly formatted entries will result in payment requests NOT being sent to the customer.