Go to icn user > Customer Message Templates

When sending Payment Links and/or QR codes the system will default to single payment or recurring payment settings unless you create your own customer message templates.

Step 1: Select ‘+ New Template’ and craft your message. When finished click ‘Submit’ to save.
Template Name - This is how your template will appear in the Merchant Portal.
Subject - This will be the subject of your payment request when sent via email.
Payment Type - Determines whether your message template will be used for ‘Single Payment’ or ‘Recurring’ payments.
Set as Default - You have the option to set your new template as  the default payment message and/or set as the global template. 
SMS - Create the text message portion of your payment request here. Use tags to show details such as the amount requested from your customer. It is essential to include the #url# tag to ensure payment.
Note: SMS’s are limited to 160 characters. If you exceed this you will be charged an additional SMS fee.
Email - Create the email portion of your payment request here. By using the toolbar you can use HTML formatting to customize your message. There is no need to include the #url# tag as your customer will be given a payment button to click.
Step 2: When creating a Payment Request, select your newly created message template, if not set to default.

A note regarding “Hash Tags” (symbol - #)

Hashtags are used to provide building blocks for a message. For example – you create a message template that will be sent to 100 people, each of whom owes you a different amount. By using #amount# as a placeholder in your message template will allow you to automatically show the amount requested from each individual customer. Click a tag (+) below to learn more.