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> Transactions > Payment History
Common Reasons for Failed Transactions
- Card expiry date: the customer’s card has expired.
- Error on the external gateway: there can be intermittent connection issues between the acquiring bank and the card associations. The payment should be attempted again.
- Invalid CVV/brand combination: the customer has entered invalid details.
- No response from connector/acquirer: there are intermittent connection issues between the bank and card associations. The payment should be attempted again.
- Risk management transaction timeout: the customer has not completed the 3D Secure authentication process in the permitted timeframe (limited to regions where banks require 3D Secure).
- Transaction declined by authorization system: the customer’s bank has declined the transaction which might include a variety of risk management guidelines such as excessive transactions, transactions in multiple geographic regions or transactions outside of customer’s normal transaction range. Card holder should contact the issuing bank directly for more detail.
- Transaction declined (limit exceeded): the transaction amount exceeds the permitted limit on the customer card.
- User Authentication Failed: the customer failed to complete the 3d secure authentication correctly (limited to regions where banks require 3D Secure).
Common Reasons Customers Cannot Make Payments
Customer did not receive Text Message (SMS)
- The customer is in an area with poor mobile network reception.
- Network interruption from the customer’s mobile carrier.
- The mobile number is no longer valid or was incorrectly entered.
- Network interruption from Mobipaid’s SMS service provider. Mobipaid monitors for SMS interruption and will notify you directly if this occurs.
Customer did not receive email request
- Email is in the customer’s Spam folder.
- Your customer’s inbox limit has been reached. No emails are being received.
- Email filter is automatically filing or archiving the message in another folder or location.
- Network interruption from customer’s server or network provider.
Customer cannot open payment page
- Ensure the customer’s device is connected to the internet. If the device is unsuccessfully searching for WiFi, turn off WiFi, and use cellular network data.
- The customer cannot click the payment link (SMS). Re-send payment request as an email.
Customer did not receive OTP (one time pin)
- Customer card not enabled for 3DS payments.
- Customer needs to authenticate payment using their banking app.
- OTP was not sent from the cardholder bank. Customer should request the OTP to be sent again, which can be done directly from the 3S payment page.
- OTP is not sent from cardholder bank after multiple requests. Customer should contact the bank using the contact information on the back of the card.