Go to
> Payment Request > Bulk Payment Request
The ‘Bulk Payment Request’ function allows you to upload your payment request data as a spreadsheet or .csv file to request payment from all of your customers at once.
Step 1: Select Bulk Payment Request.
Step 2: Download the bulk payment template. Bulk payments can be completed by uploading both .xls and .csv files.
Step 3: Add customer & payment request data. Use the ‘Bulk Payment Request Template Documentation’ as a guide for formatting your inputs. 'Transaction Method', 'Email' and/or 'Mobile Number', and 'Amount' are mandatory fields. Save the file in .csv or .xls format. Doing this will ensure there are no formatting mismatches which could disrupt your bulk payment request upload.
Tip: Phone numbers MUST be in International format e.g.,+12223334444 or +27 76 112233
Step 4: Upload your .csv or .xls file. Then choose the message template to be sent to your customers with your payment request. Click here to learn how to create a message template. Your file will appear at the bottom of the page as it sits in the queue to be sent. You can expect your customers to receive their payment request 8-24 hours after uploading. After your requests are sent, the file will disappear from the queue. If after 24 hours your payments requests don’t appear in your Transactions see 'Troubleshooting' below
Step 5: To view the status of your payment requests. Click the Hamburger Button, navigate to Transactions > Transaction Log.
Step 6: To view or modify completed payments. Click the Hamburger Button, navigate to Transactions > Payment History. When your customer attempts a payment, it will appear on this page. Its status will show as 'Payment Success or Failure'. From here you will have the option to fully or partially Reverse or Refund a transaction. You can also view the Transaction Details and the Error Log.
Troubleshoot Bulk Uploads
If you encounter an error preventing you from uploading your bulk upload file…
- Check your file type. Only .xls and .csv files are acceptable, NOT .xlsx.
- Download the current CSV Bulk Upload Template to verify you have the latest template file.
- Download the current XLS Bulk Upload Template to verify you have the latest template file.
- Ensure that the entire spreadsheet is formatted as 'Text'.
- Ensure that the ‘Amount’ field has numbers with 2 decimal places and no currency symbols.
- Ensure that the mobile numbers are formatted with a country code. Ex. +12223334444
- Ensure that no special characters or blank spaces are found in the phone number or email fields.
- For additional support, contact
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